KEEP is a small box designed to keep your private information private. Contacts, calendars, tasks, email and photos are information that is yours, and information that should be shared on your conditions.
Still, no matter where you are, you should be able to access your information, and still be in control of who has access to it and where it is stored.
KEEP gives you all this. And it is encrypted too. It is your digital Safe.
KEEP is your private cloud with no third party eyes on your information. Still KEEP will also allow you to share information with others, on your conditions.
OpenProducts want to offer an alternative to cloud services such as Google for those of you that want to take back what is rightfully yours and have control of your information.
In more technical terms it is a small pre-configured Debian based server, built on a dual core ARM processor combined with very good disk performance. The system is installed on eMMC and the box can hold up to two 2.5″ disks for data storage.